Todo es dinamico, cambiante y no hay cosas fijas. Y todo es relativo hasta el punto que no hay realidades absolutas sino que todo depende del observador en un momento determinado. Además, todo está relacionado entre sí como una gran telaraña de mas dimensiones de las que percibimos o creemos percibir. Todas las cosas del universo están relacionadas con todas las demás y ninguna de sus partes es mas fundamental que las otras y las propiedades de cualquiera de las partes están determinadas no por una ley fundamental, sino por las propiedades de todas las demás partes. Cosas y acontecimientos interactúan unos con otros.
En la física cuántica, los efectos no son producidos por causas locales como en la física clásica sino por una probabilidad referente a todo un sistema, tal vez ese todo sistema sea el universo entero inter-relacionado incluso pudiendo ser alterado por pensamientos nuestros que tambien entrarian en juego.
Si conociéramos todas las variables posibles de un sistema, podríamos establecer esa probabilidad de sucesos y predecir lo que podría pasar. Es una madeja de madejas, una membrana de membranas tan compleja, mas de lo que nuestros ojos ven y de lo que podemos sentir e incluso imaginar…multiples dimensiones que solo podemos intuir gracias a las matematicas pero difícil de asimilar en nuestra mente limitada a lo cotidiano.

Imaginemos que fueramos en un tren a la velocidad de la luz, si empezaramos a correr a lo largo del vagon en dirección a la que va el tren, mi velocidad debería ser la del tren mas la mia. Eso pasa a viajando a otras velocidades pero no a C. Viajando a C hace que tu tiempo se ralentice respecto a todo lo exterior al tren y por lo tanto, no se pueden sobreponer las velocidades manteniéndose así C como tope máximo de velocidad.
Lo mismo ocurre con la gravedad, o con la deformación del espacio-tiempo que provocan los cuerpos con su masa (peso). El que vive en la planta baja de un edificio está mas sometido a esa deformación de espacio-tiempo, vive en la parte donde ese espacio-tiempo se curva mas que el que vive en lo alto del edificio. Por lo tanto, el de la planta de abajo vive un tiempo ligeramente mas ralentizado que su vecino del piso 15 por ejemplo. La diferencia es realmente pequeña pero existe. A mayor masa, mayor deformación y mayor es el desfase temporal.
Nuestro escritor relata también un futuro donde las nociones de física o mecánica cuántica ya se estudian en profundidad en los colegios desde la enseñanza secundaria. Un futuro donde ya quedaron superadas tanto el principio de incertidumbre, la teoría de cuerdas, de supercuerdas, como la teoría M, las branas multidimensionales, la matriz-S, el bootstrap o tira de bota donde se solapan ciencia y filosofía, … y ya se revelan nuevos avances sobre los agujeros de gusano a nivel cuantico y donde los científicos tienen ya una composición mas clara del funcionamiento de todas esas leyes.
Donde se habla cada vez mas del Multiverso en vez del Universo...pero eso lo dejamos para otra página.
¿Os dais cuenta, amigos seguidores, de todo lo que tenemos en común? En miles de millones de años y miles de millones de galaxias (y tal vez de Universos), pertenecemos a una ventana pequeñisima acotada en tiempo y en espacio, no solo somos de la misma especie sino que nos ha tocado vivir el mismo tiempo y el mismo espacio en la gran inmensidad.
hasta la próxima
PS:Creedme, la clave para un grandisimo avance y abrir la puerta a nuevas fronteras es la Física Cuantica.
All is dynamic, changing and there are not fix things. All is relative to the point that there aren't absolute realities but everything depend on a observer in a specific moment.
Besides that, everything is connected to each other like in a huge web with more dimensions that we perceived. Everything in the universe is related with all the rest and none of its parties are more important than the others and the properties of any of the parties are determined not by a fundamental law, but by the properties of all other parties. Things and events act each other.
in quantum physics, effects are not produced by local causes like in classical physics but by a probability concerning a whole system, maybe that whole system is the whole universe interconnected even, can be altered by our thoughs, also players of the game.

If we knew all possible variables in a system, we could establish that likelihood of events and predict what could happen. it's a hank among hanks, it's a membrane of membranes so complex, more than our eyes can see, more than we can feel and even imagine...multiple dimensions that we can only intuit or guess thanks to maths but difficult to asimilate for our limited mind in daily life.
Our writer describes a future where the notions of relativistic physics are no longer the theory of relativity becoming in the law of relativity more than proven with changes in time and mass with the speed of particles achieved in the accelerators. A speed that reach the 99,9% of speed of light (called C), due to C is not possible to achive 100% by definition and being a constant, as Albert Einsteis teach us.
let's imagine that we were on a train at the speed of light, if we started to run along the wagon in the direction that the train goes, my speed should be the train one plus mine one. That happens travelling at any other speed but not at C. Travelling at C speed, makes that your time slower compared to all external to the train and therefore, the speeds can not overlap, maintaining so, C, as the maximun top of speed.
The same applies to the gravity, or with the deformation of the space-time that causes the bodies with their mass (weight). Who lives in the bottom floor in a building is more subjected to that deformation space-time, lives in the area where that space-time is curved more than in the area where someone is living in the top of the building. So, who is down lives with a slightly slower time than his neighbor from 15 floor, for instance. La difference is really small but it does exist. Greater mass, higher deformation and higher gap in time.
Our writer also describes a future where quantum physics concepts are studied in deep at the schools from secundary level. A future where uncertainty principle was gone like string theory, superstring theory, M theory, multidimensional branes, S-matrix, the bootstrap...where science and filosofy are overlaped and many progresses about wormholes are disclosed yet at quantum level and where scientifics have more clear picture about all those laws work.
Where everytime we talk more of the multiverse instead of universe...but we live that for another page.
Follower friends, you realize all we have in common? By billions of years and in billions of galaxies (and maybe universes), we belong to a very small time and space frame, we are not only of the same specie but we are living the same time and space in the great vastness.
see you in the next
PD: believe me, the key for a great progress and open the door to the new frontiers is the Quamtum Physics.
¿Os dais cuenta, amigos seguidores, de todo lo que tenemos en común? En miles de millones de años y miles de millones de galaxias (y tal vez de Universos), pertenecemos a una ventana pequeñisima acotada en tiempo y en espacio, no solo somos de la misma especie sino que nos ha tocado vivir el mismo tiempo y el mismo espacio en la gran inmensidad.
hasta la próxima
PS:Creedme, la clave para un grandisimo avance y abrir la puerta a nuevas fronteras es la Física Cuantica.
Besides that, everything is connected to each other like in a huge web with more dimensions that we perceived. Everything in the universe is related with all the rest and none of its parties are more important than the others and the properties of any of the parties are determined not by a fundamental law, but by the properties of all other parties. Things and events act each other.
in quantum physics, effects are not produced by local causes like in classical physics but by a probability concerning a whole system, maybe that whole system is the whole universe interconnected even, can be altered by our thoughs, also players of the game.

If we knew all possible variables in a system, we could establish that likelihood of events and predict what could happen. it's a hank among hanks, it's a membrane of membranes so complex, more than our eyes can see, more than we can feel and even imagine...multiple dimensions that we can only intuit or guess thanks to maths but difficult to asimilate for our limited mind in daily life.
Our writer describes a future where the notions of relativistic physics are no longer the theory of relativity becoming in the law of relativity more than proven with changes in time and mass with the speed of particles achieved in the accelerators. A speed that reach the 99,9% of speed of light (called C), due to C is not possible to achive 100% by definition and being a constant, as Albert Einsteis teach us.
let's imagine that we were on a train at the speed of light, if we started to run along the wagon in the direction that the train goes, my speed should be the train one plus mine one. That happens travelling at any other speed but not at C. Travelling at C speed, makes that your time slower compared to all external to the train and therefore, the speeds can not overlap, maintaining so, C, as the maximun top of speed.
The same applies to the gravity, or with the deformation of the space-time that causes the bodies with their mass (weight). Who lives in the bottom floor in a building is more subjected to that deformation space-time, lives in the area where that space-time is curved more than in the area where someone is living in the top of the building. So, who is down lives with a slightly slower time than his neighbor from 15 floor, for instance. La difference is really small but it does exist. Greater mass, higher deformation and higher gap in time.
Our writer also describes a future where quantum physics concepts are studied in deep at the schools from secundary level. A future where uncertainty principle was gone like string theory, superstring theory, M theory, multidimensional branes, S-matrix, the bootstrap...where science and filosofy are overlaped and many progresses about wormholes are disclosed yet at quantum level and where scientifics have more clear picture about all those laws work.
Where everytime we talk more of the multiverse instead of universe...but we live that for another page.
Follower friends, you realize all we have in common? By billions of years and in billions of galaxies (and maybe universes), we belong to a very small time and space frame, we are not only of the same specie but we are living the same time and space in the great vastness.
see you in the next
PD: believe me, the key for a great progress and open the door to the new frontiers is the Quamtum Physics.
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